While both the X box 1 and put are fantastic machines. In this world, something must be on top of another. Nothing is created equal. Though both consoles are similar in very many ways. Both feature a core AMD Jaguar CPU with Radio 7000 gpu.
To be honest, the x box 1 looks like an old version from years ago. Some VCR even looked better than the Xbox one.
Here are the reasons why you should buy the X box one over the ps4.
Kinect 2.0
U can use gestures instead of controllers to interact with Xbox one. Kinect 2.0 has a lot of potential that is just going to waste. While games such as Dance Central, Kinect Sports and Zumba use the Kinect, other games just take the feature for granted.
Initially people were paranoid about the Kinect because they thought it was going to spy on them. Xbox one not only targeted hardcore gamers, through the Kinect, it also targeted kids and girlfriends/ wives. Microsoft has appeal over a very wide range of users.
Windows 10/ better user interface
Xbox one has a better user interface when compared to PS4. Windows 10 is used in the Xbox one. The user interface is simple and very interactive as compared to PS4. The ps4 interface can feel cluttered and complex to use. Cortana is also present on Xbox 1. You thought talking to a digital assistant is weird, but Cortana will get some things done. With windows 10 comes better updates.
Xbox One Controller
Honestly the Xbox one controllers really feel comfortable on the hands and the triggers just feel like an extension of your fingers. Microsoft has introduced a feature known as Design Lab where you can pretty much customize your controllers to your preferred taste. There are also textured controllers. The controllers are not just comparable to the ones for PS4. They by far supersede them.
Xbox One TV
You may think that you don’t require this TV feature but after using it for some time, it will actually start to grow on you. To add to that Xbox one has a higher number of TV apps when compared to PS4. The Xbox one can also be combined with a set top box for an integrated experience.
Better Quality/Selection of Games
The Xbox one supports 4K upscaling in some games. What’s the use of having a 4K TV if you can’t play 4K games? This is a very big advantage.
Xbox one also has better exclusives with Forza leading the race. A few other exclusives include Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive and Dead Rising. A lot of people have come up with the notion that some exclusives end up on Pc and hence no advantage. We are talking about consoles here.
Backward Compatibility
This is a very big factor if you previously owned the Xbox 360. Some games are backward compatible and many are continuing to be added to the list every day. If you are addicted to a game in Xbox 360 then you can play it on a fresh console. The good thing is that the developer has to do nothing but to agree to have their games in the backward compatible games program. If you previously owned the game you don’t have to spend any extra dollar.
Xbox Play Anywhere
If you own a PC (a very high probability) then getting the Xbox one may be to your advantage. The Xbox one play anywhere program will enable gamers who purchase the authorized titles to play them both on the pc and Xbox. The game saves and achievements will also follow you around no matter what platform you are on. Not every game is available for this program. Some games which have this feature include Forza Horizon 3, State of Decay 2 and Recore.
In conclusion
In the case of Xbox one vs ps4 sales, the ps4 is ahead because of the early advantage they had because of Xbox one early marking blunders that was said to have an always on feature. However, Microsoft has steadily rises from the mess and Xbox one are continuously outselling the ps4.
The Xbox one is definitely better than the ps4 in games, controllers and support.